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NOTICE: Cards ordered for St. Patrick's Day might not be delivered in time for the holiday.

Cards By Christine Anderson

Christmas is all about caring and sharing, right? Well … doggone it, sometimes it's about marking your own sweet territory so that nobody else can take it from you! That's the cute, cuddly, charming, coveting message the adorable brown pooch is making and demonstrating on a candy cane colored and flavored Yule card.

The mischievous mutt has made its mark with a tongue lap, so that red and white striped sugary delight of the season is all its. Don’t even try to sticky pick up and return this gift to its rightful owner, because it's got canine slime all over it!

Help all those on your Noel card list enjoy a tasty, touching, funny, festive, warm and furry and wacky and wonderful holiday by gifting them the bright, hilarious, black and white and pink lolling tongue missive of delicious, delectable, doggie delight.