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Passover Greeting Cards

Passover is cause for celebration. And NobleWorks has not passed over this spiritual holiday commemorating the Jews' liberation from slavery in ancient Egypt. Our selection of Passover cards is far more than just kosher, though, it's downright hilarious.

A cute child gets in on the custom of consuming four cups of wine during the seder meal by proclaiming 'Bottoms Up' on one clever and colorful card. While another card recounts one of the ten plagues that pestered the Pharaoh into releasing the chosen people, as he peers out his window to check on the weather report and is royally pissed to see green frogs raining down. And yet another card joyously portrays a man in orthodox garb toting an armload of flat unleavened bread while belting out the Passover popular hit song 'Matzah Man.'

Whether you celebrate Passover for seven or eight days, traditionally or less so, mark this spring holiday with merriment and good cheer by sending out one of NobleWorks' delightful, goodwill, commemorative greeting cards.