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Cards By Michael Capozzola

Mike Capozzola is a San Francisco stand-up comedian and published cartoonist.

He and NobleWorks deliver a clever, colorful, eclectic, exciting collection of humorous cards on exhibit here. Featuring fashionable footwear and fabulous festive candles, and funny fleeing aliens, these Happy Hanukkah and Birthday cards deliver great laughs, good wishes and earthly, out-of-this-world sentiments.

A stylish green and white, open-toed sandal is heeled and soled with green, red, yellow, blue and purple candles, to hilariously and marvelously kick-start the Festival of Lights celebrations. And a trio of purple-clad, bug-eyed aliens run from the White House occupied by current U.S. leader and President Donald J. Trump.

So, beam out and up these brilliant, boisterous, garrulous greeting cards, and you'll be "almost" as filled with good cheer and big belly-laughs as the lucky missive recipients themselves.