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The NobleWorks Humorous Guide to Buying Greeting Cards

Need guidance on how to choose the right card, the NobleWorks card that says as much about you the sender as it is appropriate for the occasion and the intended recipient? Well, worry no more. NobleWorks has put together a handy-dandy guide to help your make the right choices. And we do it all with more than a smidgen of our renowned humor, because as you well know (you DO know, don't you?), at NobleWorks, we are all about funny. We are funny, our cards are funny, if not downright hilarious. So hold on to your hats, our help is on the way right here.

Do you need to know when you must buy a funny birthday card? For someone's birthday of course! You wouldn't want to buy a funny birthday card to send to your mom on Mother's Day, unless of course it also happens to be her birthday. Okay, that's rather obvious. In our primer for this section, we have broken down our definition of funny birthday cards in three categories and described the appropriate types of recipients that you should consider. The three categories are: birthday cards that make you smirk; birthday cards that make you blush; and birthday cards that confirm that you are filthy! In other words, the funny cards in the last category are VERY adult in nature and only for very special people.

How about a card for the recent graduate? The right choice got you flummoxed? We guide you through choosing appropriate for three different categories of graduate personalities and/or relationships. Nest up are cards for many other occasions. Keep digging here, because it's enough to boggle the mind. But don't worry, we take the worry out of being boggled although we have a huge selection of cards. Here we guide you to some our personal favorites, where you can't go wrong.

And then of course, there is always the dilemma when it comes to adult humor and dirty cards. For whom are they appropriate? To whom do you really want to show this very naughty side of you. Never fear, let us guide you.

Possibly one of the most difficult greeting cards for anyone to choose is the Valentine. Why? Because it is a romantic occasion and expressions of love, to some, shouldn't be funny. Pish-posh, we say. As you know, we are all about funny and love can be funny. So, to paraphrase Elizabeth Barrett Browning, how do we express love, let us show you the ways...Go on, don't be afraid.