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NOTICE: Cards ordered for St. Patrick's Day might not be delivered in time for the holiday.

Groundhog Day

No one has ever really solicited the true opinion from an actual groundhog on the veracity of Groundhog Day predictions; until now. What does the brown furred, burrowing rodent itself think about all the hoopla surrounding the supposed spring prognostication date?

Well, NobleWorks asked, and we got the straight goods from the fuzzy, harassed, hole-dwelling creature direct, pictured here for all humans to see and appreciate for the first time ever. According to the well-grounded critter: it's "a rodent, NOT a meteorologist." That's telling it like it is; and portraying it hilariously on a Happy Groundhog Day greeting card.

Let the plump den-squatter speak for itself, and then pick and send out this truth-to-media-power card, to distribute truly warm, funny, mirthful, laughing greetings, without a dubious long-range weather forecast attached and appended.