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NOTICE: Cards ordered for St. Patrick's Day might not be delivered in time for the holiday.

Veterans Day

Veterans Day takes place on November 11th in the United States and serves as a chance to honor those who have served our country in the nation's armed forces and those who are currently protecting our way of life in the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard. These highly-trained, intensely loyal, uniformed women and men put their lives on the line for the preservation of our freedoms and our safety and protection, and they deserve to be recognized for their heroic efforts.

The Veterans Day card featured here represents a truly wonderful salute to our warriors, with a white chalked message of gratitude on a white-framed blackboard pedestaled upon a weathered wood platform, including the various badges of the different military branches, a vase holding American flags, and an antique stars and stripes flag in the background.

This lovely, touching, patriotic tribute to armed services veterans and members will surely be greatly appreciated and tremendously treasured by them. Just as we our grateful for and value their dedication to serving our country.