This secretary, just by getting one letter wrong, went straight for the D. Drawn by the hilariously edgy Tim Whyatt, this misunderstood work situation makes a great funny birthday card for your dirty-minded friends (except the ones who have been accused of sexual harassment in the workplace).
Bosses will certainly appreciate the humor on this NobleWorks Cards birthday card, particularly if they have a secretary who does not listen very well. As your card recipient laughs hysterically after receiving your birthday greeting, you can tell him the cartoon is another great creation from Tim Whyatt. Printed on recycled paper, this funny birthday card is available in single units or in bigger quantities. It's also available in a jumbo size perfect for office parties.
You won't find dirty or politically incorrect cards like this at the grocery store. Put all your calls on hold and laugh your balls off by browsing our massive collection of hilarious birthday cards.
- Easy site to navigate and fast service
- None
- Great for a lot of laughs!
- No cons for this card.
- Perfect
- None
- Excellent value
- time between purchase and arrival
- Funny,funny,funny
- None unless you do not enjoy his humor
- Great laugh
- none