If you have a classroom-sized contingent of family members, friends and colleagues who are graduating from school, college, university and/or workplace training courses, then you need the massive, marvelous and mirthful thirty-six-card collection of Graduation Congratulations greetings available here - to fully, appropriately and laughingly honor those educated high achievers you know. Your daughters, sons, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, godchildren, cousins, BFF's, pals and coworkers will be even further joyously uplifted upon receipt of any one of these colorful, funny, cartoon missives of mucho adulation. Because in this garrulous scholastic celebrating selection: mermaids make commencement speeches featuring pithy pearls of wisdom, proud parental cats bat around mortarboard tassels, obedient dogs decide upon staying the course or not, and birds leave the nest promising to tweet. To highlight but a few of the hysterical Grad-saluting cards which will become as cherished as any diploma, degree and/or certificate.