Once is not enough. For the person whom you beared all for one night and now can bearly do without, the extra large At Least Once Valentine's Day Funny Card from NobleWorks Cards will serve as a testament of your enduring love. The adorable illustration of two cuddling cute bears combined with the card's witty wordplay will make this giant card the equivalent of a gigantic bear hug. Whether you are living unbearably far away from your true love or just want to share your love with your live-in honey, this cute Valentine's Day card will bring lots of smiles, laughs and hugs. It's saucy enough to add a little spice to your relationship but not over-the-top or obscene, making it an ideal all-around card for this big, big lovers' day. It's made in the U.S., so you know you'll be getting a card that's been produced to high standards while keeping hard-working Americans working hard.