Man caves probably didn't look so much like this greeting card would have you believe. Sure, they may have had some drawings on the walls and stones to sit on, but the cans of beer seem out of place.
That's OK: We don't ask artist Maria Scrivan to be historically accurate or anthropologically correct. She didn't get her degree in archaeology, after all. She makes some of the funniest comics we've ever read. Her strip "Half Full" is syndicated online and her work has been featured in Mad Magazine, Parade, and Mashable. Her sense of humor brilliantly pairs our modern culture with absurd situations.
Her work is perfect for this funny Father's Day card, printed on recycled paper that helps cut down the oil made from the dinosaurs that this guy probably hunted. Give it to dad early so he can spend the rest of his Father's Day in peace, in the man cave. Just keep bringing him beer so he doesn't have to get up. He's earned at least that, right?