Do cats like Christmas? Well … what with all the excitement, activity, merriment and new people and new tinseled things disturbing their routine sleep patterns, not so much. But the furry pet critters do make for friskily humorous Happy Holidays cards! Like the three catty hilarious Joyeux Noel greetings somehow herded together for meow merriment and mirth right here. In this amusing and appealing kitty Yuletide collection: Santa regrets teaming up with playful pussycats rather than dashing reindeer; a pair of family felines plan on returning an undesirable doggie gift; and a female and male cat yowl about Xmas stress over coffee. Your kitty loving kids, friends and coworkers, along with anyone else who enjoys a comic cat joke, will be purring and chortling with pleasure when you send them any of the cute, funny, four legged featured Christmas cards.